Joomla 2.5 setup series
5. How to secure your Joomla installation’s PHP settings using cPanel
You will need to log into cPanel with your supplied username and password. Normally this URL is:
1) Select the Username field and enter your username
2) Select the Password field and enter your password
3) Next click the Log in button
4) Select the File Manager option under the Files section
5) With the Web Root radio button selected, click on the Go button
6) Select the ‘joomla’ folder and double click to open it
7) Right click the ‘htaccess.txt’ file then select the Edit option(The ‘.htaccess’ file can be used by Joomla for a number of directives)
8) Click the Edit button
9) Select a place near the top of the file to enter the following code. Enter the code exactly as illustrated here
This will code will prevent any errors from being displayed to site visitors
This can help prevent hackers from running potentially harmful code
10) Now click the Save Changes button
11) Click the Close button to close the editor
12) Click the Yes button
13) Now lets rename the file so Joomla can use it. Right click the ‘htaccess.txt’ file and select the Rename option
14) Now let’s rename the ‘htaccess.txt’ file to ‘.htaccess’
15) Click the Rename File button
You now know how to secure your Joomla PHP settings using cPanel