
Joomla 2.5 end-user series

12. How to reset your user Password in Joomla

Joomla allows users that have lost or powered by ausweb their passwords to reset them

Scroll down to view the links under the Login Form

1) Click on the Forgot your password link

Scroll down to view the entire password recovery form

2) Click the Email Address field and enter the email address associated with your account

3) Now click the Submit button

4) Joomla will send an email to the email address you entered that will contain a verification code. Enter your account username and the verification code from the email

5) Select the Verification Code field and paste the code from the email you previously received here

6) Next click on the Submit button

7) Now you can enter a new password

8) Reenter your password in the Confirm Password field

9) Click on the Submit button to complete the process

Now you know how to reset a lost or forgotten password in Joomla

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